Nourishing Smarter Kids Website Terms of Use

By using this website and/or purchasing a course, coaching, appointment and/or membership or programme (free or paid) from Dalia Cefai Aboulezz or this website you are agreeing to the following terms:
Everything on this website belongs to Dalia Cefai Aboulezz Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist. You can not use it for your own business use or any financial gain.
In accordance with copyright law you may not copy, modify, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute by any means or in any way any material or information, read, downloaded or purchased through this website including but not limited to text, graphics, images, online course content, video, messages, code and/or software without the prior written consent from Dalia Cefai Aboulezz.
You may not share your course/membership login and password information. Anyone found in breach of this will have their access to the course, membership or mastermind terminated and legal proceedings will ensue.
Members of my 1:1 coaching clients or Nourishing Smarter Kids Group Coaching will receive the specified number of sessions of coaching and mentoring from me. If for any reason I can't be there to deliver the session as planned (due to illness or emergency) additional session(s) will be rescheduled the next available week.
Coaching is non-cancellable and non-refundable. 
E-guides, downloads and other digital goods are non-refundable.
All Group coaching calls are recorded and shared with members but as they may be confidential in nature they should not be discussed outside of the Nourishing Smarter Kids group.
I use my business skills, scientific knowledge, clinical skills and expertise as a dietitian-nutritionist and advanced nutritional advisor in food allergies and intolerances, sports and exercise nutrition and child and brain development in an accurate and professionally responsible manner.
The information and advice given in my website, on my online courses is for general information only and should be not used as an alternative to the personally tailored dietetic assessment and advice that a client would receive by seeing me on a 1:1 basis.
If you join my course or program and ask for advice when your child:
has multiple food allergies or intolerance
omits entire food groups
eats less than 20 foods (not during weaning)
has ongoing weight loss or poor weight gain
has ongoing choking, coughing, gagging or spluttering during meals
has ongoing problems with vomiting
has severe reflux or cry’s or arches their back during all meals
has a history of eating and breathing difficulties
is over 10 months of age and has not been able to transition from baby food purees to more solid foods
has an aversion/avoidance of certain textures of food
has a parent with a current or previous eating disorder in addition to the child not gaining weight (this is because you as a parent may need additional support rather than being the cause of your child’s feeding issues),
you should seek medical advice and a GP referral to the correct therapist for your child’s clinical issue. This is what we call problem feeding and is more extreme than fussy eating. Your child may need to see a Speech & Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Clinical Psychologist, Paediatrician, Dietitian or combination of all in a multidisciplinary feeding team. 
Any changes you make following advice from a Healthcare Professional / Nutrition Professional under Nourishing Smarter Kids brand, you do so at your own risk. Dalia Cefai Aboulezz and/or Nourishing Smarter Kids assumes no responsibility, either directly or indirectly for damage, health problems or inconvenience caused by the use or misuse of information provided by the Healthcare Professional / Nutrition Professional or website.
You are responsible for any consequences resulting from misstatements.

Nourishing Smarter Kids Website Privacy Policy 

This privacy policy sets out how Nourishing Smarter Kids uses and protects any personal information that you provide us.
‘Nourishing Smarter Kids’ is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using our services, you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy policy.
This policy is effective as from 9th May 2022.
Why we collect your data: 
We collect your personal data because you give us consent to do so, in order to provide our independent nutrition and dietetic services to you.
You may have opted in to receive our weekly newsletter.
What we collect: 
We collect names and email addresses. We may also collect the following information:
Information in relation to consent;
Further medical/clinical information in relation to reports from other health professionals.
Dalia Cefai Aboulezz’s brand called Nourishing Smarter Kids would like to keep your details to send you further information about our products and services.
Your details will be held by Activecampaign and /or Clickfunnels on behalf of Nourishing Smarter Kids. You can change your preferences at any time by clicking Unsubscribe on any of my emails or by writing to us at 
If you no longer wish to hear from Nourishing Smarter Kids, please contact to unsubscribe from communications, confirming your name and address and stating that you wish to unsubscribe from Nourishing Smarter Kids’ communications.
What we do with the information we gather: 
We require this information for the purpose of:
Professional clinical record keeping of client information;
Sharing information with relevant health professionals.
Updating you with new information from Nourishing Smarter Kids
We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure, we have put in place encrypted electronic systems and standard operating procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.
Controlling your personal information 
We will not distribute, sell or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your explicit permission or are required by law to do so.
You may request details of personal information, which we hold about you under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). If you would like a copy of the information held on you please contact Dalia Cefai Aboulezz, Data Protection Officer, at 
If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please email or write to us as soon as possible at the above address. We will promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.
How you can withdraw and request to be deleted from our files 
If you do not wish us to make use of your Personal Information in this way, please contact Dalia Cefai Aboulezz, or email You have the right to withdraw consent.
Reviewed and updated 06/03/23

Nourishing Smarter Kids Disclaimer 

I am a Maltese Registered Dietitian and Nutritionist with the Council of healthcare professionals complementary to medicine and I am a member of the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD). 
I aim to use my scientific knowledge, clinical skills and expertise as a dietitian in an accurate and professionally responsible manner.
Transparency is important in social media as is ethics in any writing or reporting. This means I am bound by an ethical code of conduct and will not provide false and misleading information.
I never make or support unjustifiable statements relating to particular products) or promote one product over another (as per food industry regulations).
The advice given on this website is aimed at the adult general public and should not be used as an alternative to personally tailored advice given by your own dietitian, doctor or nurse.
All of the opinions on this website are my own and are 100% honest but you have the right to know if I have accepted money or ‘freebies’ (samples) in the process of formulating those views (as per the Internet Advertising Bureau: IAB guidelines and Advertising Standards Authority ASA).
It is my policy to only accept compensation from companies I believe in and would already buy myself from/recommend.
A product mention or feature does not imply endorsement or recommendation of the product in question.
Any sponsorship or other forms of compensation are clearly marked and will never influence the content, topic or posts on this site.

Product reviews
I only ever review or feature products/services which I personally would buy and that I believe, as a Registered Dietitian, could enhance the health, well-being and nutrition of my followers or their children.
I am lucky enough to be occasionally sent samples of products to try, however I only blog about the ones that I personally and professionally like and that I would buy with my own money. If I do receive a sample there will be a statement saying this at the end of the blog post.
Any reviews of products are based on my personal preference and a nutrition assessment based on my professional observation, training and expertise as a registered dietitian.
Any rewards e.g. samples received, do not play a part in the products and services featured/used or statements written on this blog
If I do not like a product, rather than write a negative review, I will not feature it on my blog. I cannot and will not be swayed by incentives of any form.
If a product doesn’t fit with my philosophy, has claims based on pseudoscience ,or (in my opinion) will not enhance the wellbeing of my readers (e.g. supplements, junk food etc.) I won’t feature it. I cannot and will not be swayed by incentives of any kind.

Sponsored posts
If a blog post is marked as “sponsored/inspired by..”, “in collaboration with..” or “featured”, a company has compensated me either via money, a gift, or something else of value for the time taken to write it. Regardless, all comments are my own, are 100% honest and are not influenced by the incentive.
Any rewards received do not play a part in the products and services featured/used or statements written on this blog 
I decline sponsored blog posts from companies that I do not believe will enhance the health & wellbeing of my audience e.g. has claims based on pseudoscience. I cannot and will not be swayed by incentives of any kind.
On social media, the hashtag #Ad gives reference to a sponsored blog post if the company is mentioned within the status.
Affiliate links
I receive many questions about where products can be purchased and so if possible I will link to where I personally have obtained them or where you can purchase them easily and at a reasonable price.
My blog content (advice and recipes) remain free to all because of the addition of affiliate links/codes; each blog post takes a considerable amount of time to research and write and each recipe takes a considerable amount of time and money to develop. If you click certain hyperlinks and purchase items or use my discount code, in some cases I may receive a small commission e.g. from Amazon. This does not affect the price that you pay.
If I link to an e-shop, it is not that I endorse them or their philosophy, it is merely a place where either I obtained the product initially, or somewhere you can purchase it.
All blog posts containing affiliate links/codes are clearly labelled at the beginning.
Discount Codes
I occasionally post carefully selected discount codes which reduce the price of certain products that I link to e.g. recipe books. I do this to benefit my followers and I too may also use them.
Any rewards received do not play a part in the products and services featured/used or statements written on this blog
Any adverts/links displayed on this website do not imply a recommendation, however they are selected in line with my website’s philosophy of nourishing and your child for optimum health and wellbeing.
Adverts are present with the purpose of generating a revenue in order to sustain the day to day runnings of this website i.e. hosting costs, cost of ingredients, baking equipment, travel, photography equipment and filming equipment, all of which will be bought with the aim of enhancing your experience.
Competitions & Giveaways
I periodically hold competitions or giveaways as a way of interacting with my followers and providing an opportunity for others to try new products.
I do not promote the products that I giveaway more than others that I do not.
Most of the giveaway prizes featured have been provided to me free of charge however, sometimes I use my own money to purchase them (prizes provided free of charge will be highlighted).
I am very selective about the products that I giveaway and take into account both my personal taste and professional opinion as a dietitian based on the nutritional benefit/type of product.
Most of my competitions and giveaways are carried out using King Sumo where winners are picked at random, using the app itself. Winners will be announced within the app, as well as on my social media accounts and in my newsletter (see below).
Unless stated otherwise, giveaways are open to EU residents only due to postage.

Your email address will be added to my newsletter if you request to join.
I endeavour to send my newsletter weekly using Activecampaign.
I will not pass on your email address to anyone unless it is needed to send a giveaway prize, which I will check with you first about.
Please add to your contacts/address book and check your junk mail if you do not receive my newsletter and you believe that you have subscribed, before contacting me. 
You have the right to unsubscribe from my weekly email at any time (using the link provided within each newsletter).  

Nourishing Smarter Kids Terms and Conditions

Please read the following carefully before your first consultation. 
Dalia Cefai Aboulezz offers a dietetic assessment (no treatment) to identify the treatment required going forwards, some of this may be with other health care professionals. You are not obligated to take up this suggestion for further treatment.
Consultations are conducted via Zoom. 
After booking an assessment with Dalia Cefai Aboulezz you will be asked to complete an assessment form, a digital food diary of your child’s mealtimes in advance of our meeting. 
Depending on the child’s case, these are likely to require a series of further consultations in order to achieve their goals. A package of 12 consultations spaced out over a 6 month period can be purchased for €1800. This is strictly by invitation only following the initial assessment. Before booking, I ask that you acknowledge this. 
The responsibility for booking your follow-up appointment lies with the client. Reminders will not be sent. 
Cancellations / changes:
If you do not attend your appointment or if you cancel your appointment with less than 48 hours notice will be charged at the full consultation fee. 
You can change your appointment up to 48 hours before without incurring a fee.
For cancellations made before 48 hours only 50% of the fee is refundable.
Groups are non-cancellable and therefore non-refundable.
If you arrive late you will still be charged for your full appointment time, and the appointment will run till the end of the scheduled time. Sessions cannot be extended due to late arrivals.
In between appointments:
Clients have the opportunity to contact me via messaging app (such as Voxer or Whatsapp) between appointments. The purpose of these is to clarify points, or advice, not for further assessment or advice. 
Subsequent advice requests via email or Zoom will require a further appointment. Payment is required in advance.

Your data:
From time-to-time, positive outcomes from our sessions may be referenced anonymously in order to promote Nourishing Smarter Kids brand. Clients will not be able to identify themselves or others from this information. If you wish for your child’s data to be excluded please let me know prior to the consultation.
All payments must be made via Paypal or Credit Card / Debit Card (Stripe) at the time of booking.
Refund requests can not be honoured. If your child’s condition has not improved after the consultations, this warrants further investigation and subsequent appointments can be arranged.
If during the assessment it is discovered that your child would benefit from seeing a different therapist, healthcare professional or medical doctor, you will be informed and where appropriate and if you have consented Dalia will pass on details of other health care professionals.
Any changes you make following advice from a Healthcare Professional / Nutrition Professional under Nourishing Smarter Kids brand, you do so at your own risk. Dalia Cefai Aboulezz and/or Nourishing Smarter Kids assumes no responsibility, either directly nor indirectly for damage, health problems or inconvenience caused by the use or misuse of information provided by the Healthcare Professional / Nutrition Professional or website.
You are responsible for any consequences resulting from misstatements.
By booking your consultation you are consenting to receive advice.
At the time of booking you will have the option to join Nourishing Smarter Kids weekly email newsletter.
Under GDPR, your details will be held by ‘Nourishing Smarter Kids’. Further information on how we use your information can be found in the Privacy Policy. You can change your preferences at any time by writing to us at
If you no longer wish to hear from ‘Nourishing Smarter Kids’, please contact to unsubscribe from communications, confirming your name and address and stating that you wish to unsubscribe from ‘Nourishing Smarter Kids’ communications.
Data Protection
On this page you can find our general terms & conditions. In order to ensure that both we and our clients are properly equipped to meet the demands of the latest EU personal data regulation (GDPR), we have integrated these demands into our general terms & conditions and Privacy Policy. We also have a data processor agreement that likewise meets the demands of the GDPR.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions related to our terms and conditions or the GDPR.
By booking a Consultation, it is implied that I agree to these terms and conditions. and it also implies consent to the dietetic assessment and advice given by the Maltese Registered Dietitian.
Owner: Dalia Cefai Aboulezz Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist    
Updated 06/03/2023

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